Friday, May 31, 2013

Rant About The Weather Channel

So, a Weather Channel crew was "chasing" a tornado today and was a little to close, in a vehicle totally not able to withstand any significant tornado. Thankfully, word is all are ok...... What a bunch of maroons. First, its the Torcon scale, then its naming winter storms, and now, we just throw our people infront of tornadoes in vehicles not equipped to protect them. Stay classy Weather Channel. Anything for ratings right?

Its a shame they felt the need to do this and now place a black mark on the rest of the field trying to perform intercepts, in proper vehicles designed to withstand a tornado. The rest of the field trying to obtain scientific data to make a difference in the knowledge we know about tornadoes. This knowledge would allow a better understanding of tornadoes and allow for better warning, which could save lives.

And now, we take the arguably most visible weather source and put guys in a car and act like total morons. Its dangerous and idiotic. Stay Classy Weather Channel. SMH!

Here is the picture of the car:

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