Monday, December 28, 2015

A Return To Normal

While many air conditioners had there winter slumbers come to an end last week, it appears there is an end in sight for the warm, dreary and humid conditions we have experienced for the past week. In addition, it also appears we are in for an overall pattern change for the region. While the season so far has experienced above average temperatures, some normalcy is returning. 

In fact, Winter Weather Advisories are now posted for much of NW NJ, NE PA and Southern New England. Sleet and rain will also be present in areas further south of the advisory areas, but will quickly turn over to rain. 

After this system moves out, we will have a couple days with the highs in the 50's and then back to more normal temperatures towards the New Year. Temperatures next weekend will be in the 40's with lows in the lower 30's. We will also clear out, and be able to dry out from the rains of the past week.